Saturday, April 20, 2013

Pawan kalyan in 3crs set

Pawan kalyan trivikram project has been shooting in Hyderabad in 3crs rs set its a huge set ever in Telugu films after this schedule this team goes ti Spain for completing the final part of the film its gonna hit screen on September says the source

Pawanism t-shirts

These are the t-shirts designed by pawan kalyan fans by showing their love and respect among him powerstar fans going to follow this dress code to attend his upcoming movie,before that they are going to distribute it how this?
without collar 200
with collar 300
this program will start in may 1st week .
if Ur interested means contact :7276303883

Friday, April 19, 2013

Nithin and pawan kalyan on screen together

Nithin's latest flick Gunde Jari Gallantaindhe has a remake song of pawan kalyan  it hitted  screen on 19th april 2013.He showed his fanism towards powerstar pawan kalyan bringing him on screen graphically.sources say that nithin is ready to act with pawan kalyan and this gonna happen soon 



Items needed:
What we need is basically:
200 ml water
50 grams of brown sugar,
1 gram of yeast (yeast bread, found in any supermarket) and a 2-liter plastic bottle.

How to:
One. Cut the plastic bottle (PET type) in half. Storing the neck portion:
2nd. Mix brown sugar with hot water. Let cool. When cold, pour in the bottom half of the bottle.
3rd. Add the yeast. No need to mix. It creates carbon dioxide.
4th. Place the funnel part, upside down, into the other half of the bottle.
5th. Wrap the bottle with something black, minus the top, and put in some corner of your house.

Mosquitoes find hosts (animals that provide blood) by being able to detect the carbon dioxide that the animals exhale. This is a mini carbon dioxide generator so it is quite effective. In two weeks you will see the amount of mosquitoes and mosquitoes who died inside the bottle.In addition to cleaning their homes, breeding sites of mosquitoes and mosquitoes, we can use this method very useful in: Schools, Nurseries, Hospitals, homes, ranches, farms, ranches, nurseries. etc.

Sunday, April 14, 2013


  • Gabbarsingh-2 getting starded on may

pawankalyan created sensations after 10 years with his movie gabbarsingh now its gabbarsingh-2 which will be directed by sampathnandi who is a diehard fan of pawankalyan,the shooting starts from may and it will be released on the first half of the 2014